10 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Coffee

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reasons to drink coffee

Don’t listen to the haters. There’s nothing quite like a perfect cup of coffee. Whether you prefer a simple morning drip or a super smooth nitro cold brew, many of us can’t imagine a day without a cup (or three) of this caffeinated drink.

And why should we?! In fact, there are many reasons why drinking coffee is beneficial to our health, happiness, and overall wellbeing. Here are our 10 reasons why you should drink more coffee—and feel good about it.

1. It’s Great for the Heart

According to a recent study done by the American Heart Association, drinking coffee can reduce the risk of many cardiovascular health maladies including heart failure, stroke, and coronary heart disease.

Specifically, researchers found that regular coffee drinkers had their risk of developing heart failure drop by 7% and their stroke risk drop by 8%. This isn’t to say you should start chugging cold brew 24/7 to stave off heart problems, but moderate consumption of about 3–5 cups a day could be beneficial to keeping your ticker happily ticking.

2. It’s Social

Few social traditions are more engrained into our culture than sitting down with friends or family and sharing a cup of coffee. Maybe it’s meeting up at your local roastery and catching up with an old classmate over cappuccinos. Or perhaps it’s chatting for hours on the front porch while finishing an entire carafe of Kona coffee with Mom?

Drinking more coffee means more opportunities to connect with the ones we love—and what’s more important than that?

3. It Keeps Our Routine Going

When that dreaded alarm rings way too early, what gives us just enough motivation to get out of bed? For many, it’s the promise of that morning cup of coffee waiting for us and triggering our start to the day ahead.

Coffee has become an important part of our daily routines, and it’s thanks to those routines that we can somehow crawl out from beneath our comfy sheets. The simple cues and habits that get us from Point A to Point B—like the aroma of a fresh coffee luring us to the kitchen—are essential to getting our brains and bodies ready for the more challenging moments to come.

4. It’s A Brain Booster

An active brain is a happy brain, and what perks up the mind more than a strong cup of coffee? The boost of caffeine releases dopamine which makes the brain sharp and active. This is one of the reasons we're so much more alert and ready to tackle the day after consumption.

Furthermore, a study on coffee drinkers from Harvard University shows that people who drink four cups a day are nearly 50% less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than those that stay away. Drinking coffee has also been shown to help with overall memory performance and boost thinking skills.

5. It Crosses Cultures

Few drinks can bond humans from different countries, languages, and religions like a good brew. What feels more Italian than ordering a morning shot of espresso at Roman café bar while rubbing shoulders with businessmen? Or take part in a beautifully complex Ethiopian coffee ceremony for a glimpse of their community’s hospitality and unique culture.

Our traditions for making, consuming, and sharing coffee may differ, but the worldwide love for those buzzy beans creates a commonality that transcends borders.

6. It’s Packed With Vitamins & Minerals

The more nutrition we can get from our everyday foods sources, the better. And regular coffee drinkers can expect to receive a surprising number of vitamins and minerals straight from their morning brew.

Many types of vitamin B can be found in coffee including B-2, or riboflavin, which is great for skin, eyes, and hair health, and B-5 which helps with digestive function and red blood cell production. Also, coffee contains small but notable amounts of both calcium and magnesium. Add a splash of cream and pair your brew with almond butter topped whole wheat toast. Then you’re well on your way to a vitamin and mineral packed day—no supplements needed.

7. It’s An Easy Energy Booster

Everyday life is packed with work meetings, doctor’s appointments, gym classes, carpools, and so much more. With a million and one things to do, can you imagine chugging through it without a serious energy fix?

Thankfully, few things can pick your mind, body and spirit back up like a delicious, caffeine-filled cup of coffee. Sometimes, all you need is that unmistakable smell to get your mind back into gear and ready to tackle your next task

8. It’s Versatile

Just think about it. How many other beverages offer the kind of versatility that coffee does? Looking for a sweet treat? Make yourself a rich mocha or an affogato. How about a refreshing cool-down during a hot afternoon? Grab an iced coffee or a cold brew.

Diving deeper into the world of coffee opens up endless possibilities that come with enjoying coffee. Cutting back means limiting your ability to enjoy a nearly infinite amount of flavor profiles, creative concoctions, uplifting aromas, and so much more.

9. It Decreases Cancer Rates

If that’s not a good reason to drink more coffee, I don’t know what is. Many recent studies have shown that drinking moderate amounts of coffee every day can decrease the risk of several forms of cancer. For example:

  • Moderate coffee drinkers have a 20% lower chance of developing melanoma, the most severe form of skin cancer.

10. Most Importantly, It’s Delicious!

Let’s face it—we love how coffee tastes. From the deep, earthy flavors of a darker roasts, to bright, citrusy notes of a light roast, why deprive ourselves of the tastes we love? There’s a good reason humans around-the-globe have been drinking coffee and integrating it into their cultures for close to 500 years.

Why stop tradition now? Drink up!

Need more incredible coffee to keep that healthy habit going strong? Try the 100% Kona coffee from Carta Coffee Merchants. Made from small-batch, hand-roasted beans, expect only the best tasting coffee shipped straight from Kona, Hawaii—one of the greatest coffee growing regions on Earth.

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