How to Make Coffee Without a Coffeemaker

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coffee no coffeemaker

Have you ever found yourself away from your home, maybe on vacation or on a trip, and really wanted a nice, relaxing cup of coffee, but didn’t have access to a coffeemaker? Did you know that there are actually different ways that you can make coffee without a coffeemaker?

According to record, the first evidence of coffee drinking dates back to the mid-15th century, which would mean that coffeemakers that we’re used to today were not invented yet. Because of this, coffee drinkers had to figure out a good way to make coffee using the materials and intellect they had at the time.

In modern times we usually have access to electronic coffeemakers, French press’, espresso machines, and more, to help us create our coffee drinks, but if those items aren’t available, what’s the best way to ensure you can still enjoy that cup of joe in the morning?

Making Coffee Without a Coffeemaker

While the coffeemaking methods below still require kitchen utensils and cookware, none of them require an actual coffeemaker. These methods are perfect if you are out camping or vacationing at a rental house that might not have a coffeemaker on site.

Let’s take a look at a few simple ways you can make coffee without the need for a fancy coffeemaker.

1. Stovetop Method

This method is sometimes referred to as the cowboy method since it can also be done over a campfire if needed.

For this method of making coffee without a coffeemaker, you will need water, coffee grounds, a pot or a saucepan, and a ladle or spoon.

Step 1: The first thing you’re going to want to do is fill up your saucepan with water. We suggest using slightly more water than you would if you were making yourself a single cup of coffee normally. So if you would normally use 12 ounces of water, we suggest using 13 ounces, just because there is going to be some evaporation from the boiling of the water, as well as some water left over in the pot at the end.

Step 2: Place the pot of water over a heat source (whether your stove or a campfire) and wait until the water begins to boil.

Step 3: Once the water is boiling it’s time to add your coffee grounds. We suggest about 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds for every 6 ounces of water you are using. So in the case of 12 ounces of water, you would use 4 tablespoons of coffee grounds. Add the desired amount of coffee grounds to the boiling water.

Step 4: Remove the pan from the heat source, and cover the pan for about 4-5 minutes. At this point the coffee grounds should have settled to the bottom of the pot.

Step 5: Once the coffee grounds have settled to the bottom, you can use your spoon or ladle to transfer the coffee into your cup and you’re ready to drink!

2. Homemade Filter Pour-Over Method

This method is basically mimicking what a pour-over, drip coffeemaker would do, but without the coffeemaker. You can use traditional coffee filters, if you have them, or you can us a cloth, or other material, to help strain the coffee grounds.

As we mentioned, you’ll need a coffee filter or a handkerchief that can be used to strain the coffee grounds. A coffee mug, boiling water, and some type of clip to hold the straining cloth.

Step 1: Place your water in a pot and place it over your heat source in order to start the water boiling.

Step 2: Take your coffee filter, or handkerchief, and position it on top of your coffee mug so that it covers the opening. Use the clips to secure the filter/cloth to the top of the cup so that when you pour the coffee grounds and the water into it, it will remain in place.

If your handkerchief or cloth is too large, fold it a couple times until it’s the size of the cup opening.

Step 3: Take your ground coffee beans and place them into the filter/handkerchief on top of the cup. Make sure to distribute the grounds evenly.

Step 4: Once the water is done boiling, remove it from the heating element and let the water cool off for about 30 seconds. Once this is done, pour a little bit of water over the coffee grounds, just to wet the coffee.

Step 5: Let that water drain for about 30 seconds before pouring a little bit more water onto the coffee grounds. You’re going to want to wait about 30 seconds in between pours to let the water filter through into the cup.

That’s it! Once the water has slowly filtered through the coffee grounds and the filter, you’ll have a nice delicious cup of coffee to enjoy, without having to use a coffeemaker.

Coffeemakers have made our lives extremely convenient, but sometimes they aren’t always available. With the two methods above, you’ll be able to make coffee at home, or at the campsite, without having to use a coffeemaker.

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